Executive Director/Minister
Rev. Dr. Trisha Miller Manarin

Rev. Dr. Trisha Miller Manarin met her husband, Tim, while serving as a missionary in Zambia, and they have three wonderful children: Peter, Nathaniel and Maggie. A native of Allentown, Pennsylvania, Dr. Manarin has a Bachelor of Music in Education and Performance from Samford University where she was a ministerial student. She has a Master of Divinity from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Palmer), where she earned awards in Missions and Baptist History, and a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership Excellence from Wesley Theological Seminary. Her doctoral project, Creating More Effective Clergy Teams: A Process for Senior Pastors and Associates to Grow Deeper in Their Call and Their Understanding of Each Other, assists clergy teams and enhanced her experience as the former Director of Supervised Ministry at the John Leland Center for Theological Studies in Arlington, Virginia.
Ordained in 1997 by Trinity Baptist Church (SBC) in Philadelphia and in 2018 by the American Baptist Churches, USA, Dr. Manarin enjoys building relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world! She served as the Coordinator for the Division on Mission, Evangelism and Justice at the Baptist World Alliance for several years and has been the Executive Coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, serving churches in Washington, DC, Delaware, Maryland, Northern Virginia, and West Virginia for the past six years. She earned a graduate certificate in Strategic Foresight from University of Tennessee, Haslam College of Business and is a certified coach.
Dr. Manarin has a heart for the world, as well as a love for the local church seeking to collectively live out the Great Commission and Great Commandment. Her passion is pastoring pastors and equipping congregations for the ministry God has called them to do. She is excited to be in ministry with DCBC and living out One Faith. Many Cultures. Endless Possibilities.