Pray and Act for Burma
Four Things YOU Can Do
Begin and/or end each day with a prayer for Burma
Continue to generously support humanitarian aid for those in need
Contact your US Senators and ask them to become sponsors of the Burma Bill. This US Government site will help you find who they are and offer contact information: congress.gov/members/find-your-member
Add your name to the forthcoming Signature Campaign for the Burma Bill sponsored by the Burma Advocacy Group of the American Baptist Churches. This Campaign will commence no later than the middle of February. Information will be sent to your church when the campaign is launched.
To Thee, O Lord, we lift our hearts and hands in praise. By your command, every doorpost and lintel of the Hebrew children in Egypt was covered by the blood of the lamb and the angel of death passed over. By your hand you parted the Red Sea for the children of Israel. You pushed back the waters and on dry ground they marched forth while Pharaoh’s army drowned in pursuit as the waters came together again. Mighty is Thy hand of deliverance. Hear now the cries of the children of Burma.
To Thee, O Christ, Lord and Redeemer, we lift our voices in supplication for Burma. Bring redemption to the land and comfort to those who suffer. Turn the hearts of the oppressors towards you that they might repent of the evil they do; lay down their arms; and pursue peace with righteousness. Strengthen the hearts of the leaders and defenders of democracy within the people’s midst. As you were present in the fiery furnace to deliver Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, so, too, be Thou present in the suffering of Burma to deliver the oppressed. Great is Thy mercy, O Christ. Hear now the cries of the children of Burma.
To Thee, O Holy Spirit, who blew over the chaos and brought forth all Creation. Hover over Burma; breathe life into her as she struggles to birth a new creation of freedom and democracy. From the chaos bring forth a new order of life and liberty, that each might dwell in the land and prosper in peace. Hear now the cries of the children of Burma. In Thee, Father, Son & Holy Spirit, One God do we trust and shall ever praise and glorify Thy holy name. Amen
Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley
General Secretary Emeritus
American Baptist Churches